May 20, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

1. What I love most about my home is the smell

2. I'm excited because, I have lots of craft projects lined up and lots of reading to do

3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is Running/working out

4. Currently I am craving Coconut Mocha Frap yummy
5. The thing I love most about my mom is that no matter the differences we have had and have been working on that she loves me unconditionally even if I do some things she can't understand.

6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be  Small Town Girl Living in a Lonely World   Taking the Midnight Train to Anywhere... just kiddening pretty sure I couldn't rip off a Journey song. Maybe "Hi I'm Jadarie and You're Never Going to Believe This"

7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be  So Easy, CHIPOTLE!

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

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