Alot has personally happened to me in the last couple months that has put my businesses a bit on the back burner, but I am back now with a new name, a new business plan and the ambition to make my dreams come true! I have so many exciting things to share with all of you and can't wait to start. I have a new blog address for those of you that have been so loyal to follow along here. If you are interested in keeping up with my craziness please click HERE.
Thank You for your readership here!
October 4, 2012
June 15, 2012
To My #1 Picker
Everyone it is Friday, this week has totally gotten away
with me sorry for the crickets, its been a recovery from the Vintage Bazaar, it
was almost like a vacation of sorts. I
will be back to regularly scheduled programming next weekend, cross my heart. I am
about to get personal on here, so please feel free to click over to something
else, but it is sort of about vintage.
This weekend is Father’s Day and to be honest Father’s Day
was a day that for a while my dad and I just let quietly pass by as we did not
have the greatest of relationships for a while. Now I will be honest, the thought of not
telling my dad thank you for all he has helped me with the past couple years is
something I just won’t do. As of
recently my dad is my #1 cheerleader of chasing this dream called Junk in daTrunk Girls, he tells me every chance he gets that he is behind me, that’s he’s
proud of how far I’ve come and can’t wait to see how much more is to come, he supports me taking chances, and above all else he will camp out at an estate
sale to get a good number and text me all his finds. He’s seriously my #1 picker, he scours
craigslist for hours and sends me countless links every day of the cool stuff
he’s found and asks if he wants me to make a phone call or drive over and check
it out. So thanks dad for all you’ve done for me all
you continue to do and above all thanks for loving me through the brat years. Keep picking dad, you and step-mom find the coolest stuff! Love you!
June 8, 2012
Life Lately According to my Phone
Hi Everyone!
Posts have been short this week because I've been getting ready for the Vintage Bazaar on Sunday!
92 degrees + 100 vintage vendors = game on! If you are local come out and say Hello. Instead of anything constructive I'm giving you the past couple weeks according to my phone pictures.
Left To Right
Row 1
Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty
A walk around one of my favorite places in Chicago
Sleepy Girl
Row 2
Baby Swan capture for wing clipping
Burgers by the water wall
Some last minute suitcase picks coming to the Vintage Bazaar
Row 3
Mader's Garage
One of my favorite vintage glasses
My Happy Place
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be back next week with a Bazaar wrap up!
June 5, 2012
Honey Craft Wrap Up
As some of you know I wear many hats, I not only run a
vintage shop but also run a handmade business.
I’ll be honest handmade does so much better when the temperatures start
to cool down, but the girls at the Honey Craft are some of my favs and their
June Market fit into my schedule so off I went.
Honey Craft is held the first Saturday of every month in
Woodstock, Woodstock in itself is super stinking cute with the town square and
all. Watch the movie Groundhog Day it was
filmed in Woodstock and you’ll see what I mean.
I debuted a new upcycled creation while there the tea cup
bird feeder, and people thought it was the coolest thing. I also debuted a new design of handbag I’m
currently working on that sold before the sale even started, so I didn’t get a
good picture of it. Maybe my customer
will read this and send a pic over, hint hint hint.
I also met some great new women, I met Katie from Elefawn Design,
made a purchase from Debbie at Porchlight Collages cause
they were too cool to pass up,
talked Katie from Stiched for Ewe into starting
an Etsy shop, watched Jennie from Jennie Anne Dreams have her first sale and
had lots of fun in general.
I also of course thrifted my way back home, who knew
Northern Illinois thrift stores were so jam packed, I may have rode home with a
box of treasure on my lap as I found so many goodies!
If you are in the Woodstock area around the first Saturday
of the month I encourage you to stop by and say Hello to all of the talented
I won’t be doing any more Handmade shows til Fall so I can
get my new purse design perfected.
June 1, 2012
Happy Birthday Norma Jean
If Marilyn Monroe was still alive today she would be 86 years old! I kept thinking this as I was planning some stuff for her birthday at the day job, (The oldies will be watching Some Like it Hot by the way) what would she look like today. Would she have surcoomb to the plastic surgery phenomena, would she have gotten lipo, or would our view of what is beautiful be different because the curvaceous one was still alive? Who knows, the truth is I admire Marilyn Monroe, she came off as a ditzy blonde but I think really she had her shit together. She was wise beyond her years, she lived a pretty shitty life in the beginning and put on a smile and developed a personality to cover all of her sadness up. All she wanted was to be loved for who she was, not the sexy pin up arm candy girl, but loved for her beautiful broken soul. Rest in Peace Marilyn, you are an inspiration to so many. Now here are some of my favorite pictures of her and some of her amazing quotes.

Do you have any favorite Marilyn quotes, I'd love to read them!
All Images via Google Images
May 31, 2012
Some Shop Newbies
Hey Everyone
Updated the shop with some new finds
I love love LOVE metal picnic baskets & note to those of you out there, they are getting harder and harder to find! This one reminds me of Christmas time with the colors but still would be super cute for your summer picnics. Even if you don't picnic I use my baskets to store my craft supplies and other hodge podgey stuff that doesn't need to be out in the open.
This Fisher Price Little People Merry-Go-Round kills me with cuteness! Seriously, if I were to have a child in the near future I would keep this! It's a toy and a music box as it plays the "Skaters March" when you flip the ON/OFF switch which is made to look like the rides emergency brake. The ride operator total fits the mold of a carnival ride operator.
The Pyrex Orange New Dot Bowl the pick I went on I found two of these! I already have one so one of my finds is going into the shop and the other will be available at the Vintage Bazaar on June 10th.
After the 10th I will have have more inventory to add to the shop but until then it's time to concentrate on pricing that inventory and getting everything ready for that.
Have you found anything good lately?
Updated the shop with some new finds
I love love LOVE metal picnic baskets & note to those of you out there, they are getting harder and harder to find! This one reminds me of Christmas time with the colors but still would be super cute for your summer picnics. Even if you don't picnic I use my baskets to store my craft supplies and other hodge podgey stuff that doesn't need to be out in the open.
This Fisher Price Little People Merry-Go-Round kills me with cuteness! Seriously, if I were to have a child in the near future I would keep this! It's a toy and a music box as it plays the "Skaters March" when you flip the ON/OFF switch which is made to look like the rides emergency brake. The ride operator total fits the mold of a carnival ride operator.
The Pyrex Orange New Dot Bowl the pick I went on I found two of these! I already have one so one of my finds is going into the shop and the other will be available at the Vintage Bazaar on June 10th.
After the 10th I will have have more inventory to add to the shop but until then it's time to concentrate on pricing that inventory and getting everything ready for that.
Have you found anything good lately?
May 28, 2012
Happy Memorial Day
Whether you agree or disagree with the current situation we are involved in in the Middle East it is important to realize that Freedom is NOT Free. Today is so much more then a day for a BBQ, an excuse to drink during the day or a free day of work. Today is a day to recognize that so many have died to protect our freedom and rights of liberties. I urge you to take a moment today and thank all of the current and retired members of the military for putting their life at risk at one point or another to make sure all of us can live in Freedom. THANK YOU MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY SO MUCH!
May 23, 2012
Shop Update
As some of you are aware, the Junk shop is currently offering FREE DOMESTIC shipping through Memorial Day. I have added the last of the new inventory that will be included in that deal. My advice would be if you see something that you like please take advantage of the Free shipping if you live in the US and the discounted rate if you live over seas because on Tuesday, May 29 my generosity will back into hiding until I'm guessing July when the shop celebrates it's 2 year anniversary!
Some of my current favs in the update are as follows
This complete set of 1950s Pyrex Primary Refrigerator Dishes if I didn't already own a set of my own this would for sure have stayed in the keeper pile. This set was found while I was training my step sister to pick, she did good didn't she?
This funk-defied 1970's 7 piece Salad Bowl Set stole my heart the minute I saw it. If I had a family or even the urge to entertain you can bet my fruit salad recipe would be sitting in this gem.
Tuggy Tooter here seriously ALMOST gives me baby fever. The thought of the cuteness of him sitting on a nursery shelf is to much for me to bear, then the thought of him being pulled by a toddler melts my heart.
There are a lot more new items so click over and check them out HERE don't forget FREE DOMESTIC shipping ends on Monday, May 28.
Some of my current favs in the update are as follows
This complete set of 1950s Pyrex Primary Refrigerator Dishes if I didn't already own a set of my own this would for sure have stayed in the keeper pile. This set was found while I was training my step sister to pick, she did good didn't she?
This funk-defied 1970's 7 piece Salad Bowl Set stole my heart the minute I saw it. If I had a family or even the urge to entertain you can bet my fruit salad recipe would be sitting in this gem.
Tuggy Tooter here seriously ALMOST gives me baby fever. The thought of the cuteness of him sitting on a nursery shelf is to much for me to bear, then the thought of him being pulled by a toddler melts my heart.
There are a lot more new items so click over and check them out HERE don't forget FREE DOMESTIC shipping ends on Monday, May 28.
May 21, 2012
National Small Business Week
Last year one
of the things on my 29 before 30 list was to shop small/local business for one
month, ever since then I have found myself turning to them for my needs. It’s so rewarding to see who my money is going
too, get to know the owner and see their passion, also knowing that my transaction
is helping that shop owner fulfill their dream, makes me feel good.
I will admit the suburb that I live in, has
plenty of small independent restaurants, lots of local service places, and a
handful of boutiques but as far as I have found does not have many places to
purchase the items you NEED. We do not have an independent grocer, independent
drug store, or even a local bookstore, we have the big boxes. For these needs I have found myself driving to
other communities that still have them. For my grocery needs being a celiac the
first place that comes to mind for me to do my shopping is Whole Foods, because
they have a large selection of gluten free things but I have found myself going
to the Fruitful Yield as well as the local Gluten Free store but both are in
different communities and both places prices run about the same as the groceries
at Whole Foods. For the things that you
would need at a drug store there was a local pharmacy here but they got bought
out by a big box grocery store so we no longer have one of those and I haven’t
found a community nearby that has an independent pharmacy to replace the
pharmacy I was going to, so box store it is.
In case you
did not know this week is National Small Business week and I encourage you to
get out in your community and make it a point to check out the small businesses
in your area. You may stop in their shop
and not find anything or you might find a great new go to place, either way but
just walking in the door shows that you care they are a part of your community.
There is also
a community of thousands of people on websites like Etsy, Big Cartel, and Ebay
full of people that are trying to make their dream of owning a brick and mortar
shop a reality, but getting a following started online. Click and stop in and say Hi to those people too. That is why we are doing what we are doing here at Junk, we junk girls have big dreams but to reach those we need to start somewhere and
every purchase you make through our Etsy Shops helps us get closer to achieving
our dream. As a Thank You to you our loyal customers and readers we have
extended our Free Domestic Shipping until Monday, May 28th.
Some of My
Favorite Local Small Businesses Are:
Some of My
Favorite Not so Local Small Businesses Are:
DaintyDaisies- Appleton, Wisconsin
Pangea - Nashville, TN
Some of my Favorite Online Small Businesses Are:
Happy Small Business week now get out there and get shopping!
May 20, 2012
On A Personal Note
Dear Sophie Marie,
I can not for the life of me believe that you are a year old
today, how fast that time went for real!
I remember the day when your mom called me , and when your mom calls
instead of text this is a big deal it usually means some kind of emergency. I
had the morning off and was still sleeping so her phone call woke me up and
right away she asked me if on my way into work I could pick her up a pregnancy
test and drop it off because she didn’t want your dad to know yet. I
screamed, “Are you kiddening me?!” She
said “Yes, I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant” now your mom already had your sister
and your 2 brothers so obviously after 3 kids I’m sure one just knows. I said
alright and started about my day. I
stopped at Target to buy an insane amount of 2 liter bottles of Coca-Cola for a
the potlock we were having that day, so on the conveyer belt were 12 2 liter
bottles of coke and an EPT test, I really wish I would have taken a picture
because it was pretty hilarious. Well
the nice Grandmaish cashier decided to give me some much unsolicited advice
after she got done ringing my order, she told me, “You know if you think you
might be pregnant you shouldn’t be drinking that much coke, in fact you shouldn’t
drink Coke at all it’s not good for the baby” I went on to tell her that “It
wasn’t for me” and she gave me the look of that’s what they all say.
I went about my business and dropped the test off to your
mom, I waited around while she took it and she came back from the bathroom
completely red faced and just nodded yes to me and that was that, you were here.
For the next couple months you made your
mom so sick, she said this was the sickest she had been with any of you guys
and all she wanted to eat was fresh fruit and Subway, already you were
conscious of what food was good for you.
The day you arrived is a bit of a blur, your mom went in for
her weekly check up and her blood pressure was out of control so right away she
was admitted to the hospital and was induced so that there was no danger to
either of you. You arrived a-ok and
after I few hours I came to the hospital to visit you. You were the first hours old baby I ever held
and you were such a peanut, (that would be why I call you that) you still are
such a peanut as I write this. Right now you are a very picky eater, a sock
removing machine and a little drool bomb, but you are the cutest little
strawberry blonde girl I’ve ever seen.
Soph I know you will grow up never knowing what silence
sounds like as your siblings keep the house full of laughter and games and tv
noise and music. You will never know
what loneliness feels like because you have 3 siblings to share everything with,
you have 2 very protective older brothers that will always look out for you and
keep you safe, you have a very strong willed older sister and Mom so I know
that you will grow into a strong woman yourself, and you have a father that
will do anything to make sure his children are taken care of. You are one very lucky little girl and I can’t
wait to see what kind of person you grow to be.
Happy 1st Birthday my little Pollack peanut!
Auntie Jade
May 16, 2012
Minocqua Antique Company
Hey There Northwoods Wisconsin Tourists, it's almost that time of year when you open up your cabins or take your campers out of storage for all of the fun that the Northwoods has to offer. But while you're up there you should take a peek at the Minocqua Antique Company, I know the owner and he's super sweet. They have some great things in their little antique mall. Oh and if you see a both in the main aisle that looks like this you should stop, I know that owner too:) Tell them I sent you.
May 10, 2012
Free Domestic Shipping
Hey y'all I've got to clear out some inventory cause I'm going on a picking trip in a few weeks and have gotten contacted to clear out an estate so I gots to move some treasures and move them fast. Please tell your friends, I'm not sure how long I will be so generous with the Free Shipping so take advantage. You can visit the shop by clicking HERE and on top of that all we are still donating 10% of our sales to the University of Chicago Celiac Center, in general your purchase is making so many people happy!
May 8, 2012
Nashville in Iphone Photos
I did bring my real big SLR camera to Music City but failed
to bring it along on any of our outings. Reason being I was exploring with a
professional photographer, and didn't want to schlep it around so needless to say the iphone pictures have it, that
is until I get copies of the “real” pictures.
I want to say that we went to antique stores and thrifts,
but the truth is we went to one of each as this was a “relaxing” vacation not a
“working” vacation for me. I found a few
things since I was limited to the size that would fit in my suitcase as I wasn’t
shipping anything home unless it was AH-mazing which nothing I found really
was, great but not AH-mazing.
Needless to say my mini-break was super fun, super needed
and am inspired to do new things. I always
look forward to my yearly adventures with my parallel life partner and wish she
didn’t live 2,000 miles away, you know so we could hang out more than once a year. Oh and I also crossed off number 12 on my 31 before 31 LIST
Photo Play by Play Left to Right
Row 1 Mermaid Show at Aquarium Restaurant
Johnny T at The Stage
Row 2 Center Stage at The Grand Ol' Opry (I sang old school Garth Brooks)
Horse at a Plantation
Mural in the "Family Room" at the Grand Ol' Opry
Row 3 Crazy Piano Player at the Honky Tonk
Magnolia Blossom
May 3, 2012

Today I've got my boots on and waking up in one of my favorite cities in the US to hang with of my most favorite people, the lovely Ashley . Consider this an open invitation to leave any recommendations of places to go to, as the last time I went for my 30th birthday with my bestie we didn't make it very much further then South Broadway. So needless to say the shops will remain open but any purchases will be shipped when I return on May 8th. Don't forget proceeds from this months sales are going to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
You can also tweet suggestions to me @Junkindatrnkgrl
Over-N-Out or should I say Yeee Haw!
image via Dribble
May 1, 2012
Celiac Awareness Month
Happy May Everyone!
This month is proving to be a busy one for me and it’s only day one! I don’t have an open weekend this month to do anything that just “pops up”, but really I’m not complaining, ask me on June 1st though how I feel.
As some of you that follow me on Twitter, here and/or know me in person know that I live a gluten free lifestyle, and that I have been this way for 4 years now. Crazy to think that I haven’t had a real sandwich in 4 years, Yikes! You can read my full story, in the post I did last year HERE.
The month of May is designated as Celiac Awareness Month. For those of you that don’t know Celiac Disease is an inherited autoimmune disease that affects more than 3 million Americans. The disease affects the digestive process of the small intestine and is triggered by the consumption of gluten- a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Celiac Disease causes and abnormal response to gluten ingestion: the immune system attacks the small intestine, inhibiting the absorption of important nutrients, destroying the intestinal villi and wreaking havoc on the bodies systems. The only way to be correctly diagnosed with Celiac Disease is by blood test AND by getting a bioposy of your small intestine tested. Living a gluten free lifestyle is not a joke to those of us that get incredibly sick when we ingest and the fact that “going gluten free” has become this year’s fad diet annoys me to no end but this is not the place to stand on that soapbox.
Since being gluten free is pretty much the biggest part of my life and has changed how I will forever eat and look at food, this year I have again decided to donate 10% of the total sales for the month from both Junk in da Trunk and Jadarie Handmade to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, the forefront of research and professional education regarding Celiac Disease. Their research and efforts are funded by generous donations and by purchasing from Junk or Jadarie in the month of May together we can help them achieve their ultimate goal of determining the orientation and development of this disease and uncover ways to prevent it.

Thanks for your time!
April 30, 2012
Georges Briard
thrifting one day I have found two awesome pieces of glassware that scream “I’m
from the 60s” so of course I couldn't leave them behind. Both of these fabulous pieces have amazing
graphics and the signature Georges Briard on them. I decided it was time to research who this
Georges person was.
Georges was
a noted and award winning designer in the 1950’s 1960’s and 1970’s, with his
signature collection being stocked at department stores such as Neiman Marcus
and Bonwit Teller. Georges was born
Jascha Brojdo in the Ukraine and moved to Chicago in 1937. When he moved to Chicago he began studying at
the Art Institute of Chicago where he earned his MFA. When World War II began he
served as a Russian interpreter, and in 1947, he was discharged from the Army
and started working in New York with a gentleman that he met in art
school. Brojdo began painting serving
trays for sale, and his friend came up the name Georges Briard to market his
commercial pieces. Brojdo was also a painter and would use his real name on his
art pieces, but Georges Briard became his signature as designer of his
glassware which were wildly popular. In
2004 he was awarded the Frank S. Child Lifetime Achievement Away by the Society
of Glass and Ceramic Decorators to the glass and ceramic decorating industry.
style is very ornate with gold and a flair of illustration. If you are looking
to make your barware or dinner parties more embellished with something chic and
charming Georges Briard is your man. I
mean really a highball tastes so much better out of Man Men style glass.
April 27, 2012
31 Before 31

Well folks, in just shy of 4 months I will be the big 3-1, so I've made a list of 31 things I would like to accomplish before Aug. 21. I'll note the progress on here
1. Take a road trip and stop at all the cheesy stops
2. Watch 5 classic movies
3. Visit a National Park
4. Go on a bike ride to dinner
5. Have a picnic on the beach
6. Go to a shooting range
7. Learn to knit
8. Go tubing down the Apple River
9. Send out 3 random care packages
10. Go back to New York
11. Serious purge of closet at least 30 things
13. Organize and tag all shop items into Rubbermaid totes
14. Have a picture taken of me that I like
15. Have a photo session of my grandparents
16. Go to Galena
17. Finish my personal project
18. Consign to a Handmade Store
19. As many outdoor concerts as I can
20. Blog 3 times a week
21. Take a picture every day for a month
23. Go horseback riding
24. Yoga class
25. Tea with my 3 favorite Pollack’s
26. Drive Lakeshore drive from beginning to end
27. Grow Business
28. Read all of the books on my shelf to be read
29. Volunteer
30. Submit to a magazine
31. Personal Goal
Again anyone that wants to call dibs on helping me with any of these let me know:)
April 25, 2012
Flea & Find Wrap Up
First of all thank you so much to Naomi at The Glitter Workshop for putting on such an amazing event! We had so much fun and it was so nice meeting all of you fine and fellow cheeseheads. I got back to Chi-town early Sunday afternoon, and took the rest of the afternoon and evening off! I caught up on Touch and seriously napped for 3 hours after I got home. I have about 6 boxes lined up to go through and price for our next big shindig the Vintage Bazaar in June and of course picking out the cream of the crop and the most unique to put into our online shop . It's so fun going through my accumulations again it's like picking without having to leave my house!
Oh and one funny story from the Flea and Find while unloading one of my fellow vendors saw a minnow bucket that I had just pulled out of the truck and set on the ground, she walked over, asked how much and told me to hide it and she was going to buy it. I walked past her booth, and she had a BEAUTIFUL ENID purse on her table. When I was all set up I asked if she wanted to trade the minnow bucket for the Enid and she said sure! So a new Enid came home with me and she was so happy to find out that I collected them because it had been her own personal handbag and she was having trouble parting with it, so she was glad it was going to live with fellow Enids. I hope that her husband enjoys his new minnow bucket, a bucket for a bucket.
Thanks everyone that came out in Madison and to all my online friends that stopped in to say hello! Hope to see you in the area again soon!
April 23, 2012
Let's go to the Fair

This week marks the opening 50 years ago that the Seattle World's Fair on April 21, 1962. It was the first time the U.S. had a World's Fair in over 20 years and the theme of that year was "Century 21 Exposition" or also known as "The Space Age". This fair saw the opening of the Space Needle and the monorail.
During this time my grandfather was stationed with a unit from the Wisconsin National Guard at Fort Lewis in Tacoma, WA. Somehow every time I come home and visit with him some how the conversation always comes back to the World's Fair, and the greatest steak he ever had somewhere near Portland, OR. To a 21 year old married father of 2 that hadn't left small town Wisconsin ever this was a very big deal.
During this time my grandfather was stationed with a unit from the Wisconsin National Guard at Fort Lewis in Tacoma, WA. Somehow every time I come home and visit with him some how the conversation always comes back to the World's Fair, and the greatest steak he ever had somewhere near Portland, OR. To a 21 year old married father of 2 that hadn't left small town Wisconsin ever this was a very big deal.

These are two of the souvenirs that he brought home from the Fair. They are his prized possessions since he was sending pretty much all of his paycheck home to take care of my Grandmother, 2 year old Father and one year old uncle, he didn't keep much money for himself so these were enormous treats.

This is a spinning lamp with a picture of the fair grounds, it's really cool and he has it in his tv room.

These souvenir glasses are safely packed away for all time, he just brought them out so I could take a picture of them.
How about you have you ever been to a worlds fair or has anyone in your family been to one?
How about you have you ever been to a worlds fair or has anyone in your family been to one?
April 20, 2012
Flea & Find Sneak Peeks

Happy Friday Everyone!
How was your week? This one has been long but fast, if that's even possible. Just checking in today to give you a few sneak peeks of some of the goodies I'm bringing to the Flea & Find this weekend, I'm totally looking forward to meeting some of my internet friends, in person!
Among all of the fun stuff in those "secret" brown boxes, I am also bringing an Antique level similar to this, so that it's lucky owner can turn it into this super rad one of a kind coat rack! Tutorial HERE via Knick of Time Interiors
Also looking for a new home is this green girls Columbia Roadmaster cruiser bike, in awesome condition!
That is if I can get my dad to stop riding it around.
Come out on Saturday if you are in the Madison area, the best way to celebrate Earth Day is to buy vintage, it's recycling at it's best!
April 13, 2012
The 13th
Did you know that the number 13 mason jar is very hard to find? Did you even know that there are numbers stamped on the bottom of Ball mason jars? Well, now you are in the know.
Last weekend, I did some "light" thrifting as my step mom and I were teaching my step-sister the ins and outs of the world of treasure hunting. (I also taught my step mom like a year ago and she is nicely progressing from the amateur to intermediate level) Said step sister has been known to roll her eyes when we talk about our finds, so we thought we'd show her how fun it is, she may not be hooked...yet.
Anywho, the #13 mason jar, we were looking around one thrift store and low and behold I saw that aqua goodness (Finding a mason jar in a thrift hardly ever happens to me) and I turned it over and there it was the #13, my lucky day. The story goes, that back in the day during the canning process some of the wives were very superstitious and would throw away their #13 jars in fear of something bad happening to them. And when I say throw them away I mean bury them in the backyard with the rest of the garbage. So I'm sure behind some old farmhouses buried deep down are some steller #13 Ball Mason jars amongst many other treasures.
If you happen to go and dig up any farm backyards, let me know if you find any treasure:)
P.S. Happy Birthday wishes to both my besties this week, thanks for reading and staying on top of me to update:) So many things wouldn't be possible without you two, smooches!
April 5, 2012
Happy Weekend

Hooray for 4 day weekends! Today is my last day at the day job for 4 days! This weekend I will be spending time with family and friends. I may or may not do some picking, haven't decided yet. But no worries if I do, I'll post some updates on TWITTER or FACEBOOK. You follow along don't you? :)
Also, now through tax day, April 16th there is 15% off in the SHOP with coupon code TAXTHIS. I will not be shipping out on April 16th however, the post office is waaay too crazypants, did that last year and waited in line for an hour for the self-serve machine....oy vay:)
Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
Picture via Angela Fields on Pinterest
( Oh ya I'm on there too, if you want to follow my boards )
April 2, 2012
The Future Antiques
Awhile ago, the spontaneous decision was made for a road trip, a change of scenery, a need to push the reset button, a weekend away. The only limitation was the driving limit, 5 hours max... ok totally doable, the challenge now: which direction to go. Living in Chicago that is one of the perks, 5 hours North can take you to the Northwoods of Wisconsin, 5 hours East can take you (almost) to Detroit city limits, 5 hours West can take you to Iowa and 5 hours South can take you to St. Louis. St. Louis was the big winner!
I had been there before but never to go on a treasure hunt, and treasure hunt I did. I had downloaded the Thriftaholic app and with the GPS was armed and dangerous, with the weekend motto of, " do stuff you can't do in Chicago and no treasure left behind!"
*Pictures via TFA website as I was so enthralled by the great mid-centuryness that I didn't talk a single picture*
Any cool stores like this in your neck of the woods?
I had been there before but never to go on a treasure hunt, and treasure hunt I did. I had downloaded the Thriftaholic app and with the GPS was armed and dangerous, with the weekend motto of, " do stuff you can't do in Chicago and no treasure left behind!"
While there the thriftaholic app found some great places but one that stands out is The Future Antiques or also known as TFA. This store was seriously Amazeballs! Everything was so amazingly organized by color and room of the house it belonged in. Seriously the most organized store I've ever been in. When I told the owner that he replied with," Well it's taken 11 years to get it that way." The first room was like a kitchen straight out of the 50's or 60's then you make your way into the Living Room area with such awesome furniture, then there's a room with all clothes and finally a HUGE room with just furniture. Everything is mid-century nothing before and nothing after, it's like a museum, but you can take the things home with you if you feel so inclined. Seriously, when you are in St. Louis this place is a MUST!
*Pictures via TFA website as I was so enthralled by the great mid-centuryness that I didn't talk a single picture*
Any cool stores like this in your neck of the woods?
March 27, 2012
Shop Update
Well Hello Everyone long time no talk:) I wish I could tell you all the shenanigans that I've been up too but that will have to be another story for another day. I will say though that most days have been spent washing and pricing alot of farm fresh vintage for the show I am doing in April.
So in big news we have finally joined that every popular site that all the cool kids are on, you know that little thing called Facebook. That's right we can be found HERE maybe you'll like us or maybe you won't.
The past couple weeks have been challenging in deciding which of the treasure goes into the SHOP and which is going to go to the sale in April, and you know what is great enough to stay with me. It's tough people....
Here's a peek of some of the goodies that made it into the shop over the weekend.
The larger ruffle plate is super cool and retro. If you ever wonder what Disneyland was like in the 50's, well here's a little snap shot. From what I hear all of these Disneyland attractions are still there today, but with some updates of course.
The center of the plate shows Sleeping Beauty's Castle and it says Disneyland under it.
The plate is in excellent condition the person that it came from must have treasured it very much.
Each section has a different land:
Frontierland- Mark Twain Steamboat
Fantasyland- Its a small world
Tomorrowland- Entrance to tomorrow land
Main Street USA- R.R. Station
Adventureland- Hippopotamus
New Orleans Square- Dunking the Mayor
You could use this plate as display or as a candydish
7 1/2" diameter and 1" tall
The second small, colorful, collectible souvenir plate features a picture of the Sleeping Beauty castle with the famous logo in gold.
Back of plate is stamped: Disneyland Walt Disney Productions. There is a red and gold sticker that says Made in Japan.
The plate is also in excellent condition and was cherished.
If you collect Disneyana
souvenirs, California souvenirs or mid-century souvenirs, you've gotta have these.
No worries, theres more to come, the pictures are in the camera but my internet has been wonky the past couple days. Hope you enjoy all the treasures, have you found any treasure lately?
So in big news we have finally joined that every popular site that all the cool kids are on, you know that little thing called Facebook. That's right we can be found HERE maybe you'll like us or maybe you won't.
The past couple weeks have been challenging in deciding which of the treasure goes into the SHOP and which is going to go to the sale in April, and you know what is great enough to stay with me. It's tough people....
Here's a peek of some of the goodies that made it into the shop over the weekend.
Farmer Joe here has been out tilling his land to start planting his crops. He's been out in the sun so long he has a bit of fading on one side and his decals are a bit faded as well.
He's been played with and worn out but has a lot of character left to put on display. Vintage fisher price pull toy #629 made of wood with big plastic tires. Measures about 5 1/2" long x 6" tall.
I just love the way he bobbles back and forth when a child pulls him, it really does look as if he is driving through the field.
Perfect for your little farmer and/ or their nursery.
He's been played with and worn out but has a lot of character left to put on display. Vintage fisher price pull toy #629 made of wood with big plastic tires. Measures about 5 1/2" long x 6" tall.
I just love the way he bobbles back and forth when a child pulls him, it really does look as if he is driving through the field.
Perfect for your little farmer and/ or their nursery.
She was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow Pyrex primary. This little cutie is sure to bring some sunshine into your life and a smile to your face. This pyrex bowl dates back to the 1950's - 60's and is your go to bowl just the right size. Measures 3 1/4" tall X 5 3/4" diameter and is ovenware #401. She has a few light scratches along the bottom they are shown in the 2nd picture but for her age she is in great shape.
I'm not sure but I think this tiny gem belonged to a primary set that had opposite sizes for the color. Usually we see a Large yellow with a primary.
I'm not sure but I think this tiny gem belonged to a primary set that had opposite sizes for the color. Usually we see a Large yellow with a primary.
The larger ruffle plate is super cool and retro. If you ever wonder what Disneyland was like in the 50's, well here's a little snap shot. From what I hear all of these Disneyland attractions are still there today, but with some updates of course.
The center of the plate shows Sleeping Beauty's Castle and it says Disneyland under it.
The plate is in excellent condition the person that it came from must have treasured it very much.
Each section has a different land:
Frontierland- Mark Twain Steamboat
Fantasyland- Its a small world
Tomorrowland- Entrance to tomorrow land
Main Street USA- R.R. Station
Adventureland- Hippopotamus
New Orleans Square- Dunking the Mayor
You could use this plate as display or as a candydish
7 1/2" diameter and 1" tall
The second small, colorful, collectible souvenir plate features a picture of the Sleeping Beauty castle with the famous logo in gold.
Back of plate is stamped: Disneyland Walt Disney Productions. There is a red and gold sticker that says Made in Japan.
The plate is also in excellent condition and was cherished.
If you collect Disneyana
souvenirs, California souvenirs or mid-century souvenirs, you've gotta have these.
Little Golden Book Prayers for Children shows some signs of wear. Cover and spine are worn, but overall pretty good condition considering age.
It measures, in inches:
Width: 6 5/8
Height: 8
Spine: ?
Publisher: Simon and Schuster, New York
Publishing date: 1952
Would look great in a Nursery. Great baby shower gift for the new parents that loves vintage. The illustrations are wonderfully done. One page is peeking out but not ripped.
It measures, in inches:
Width: 6 5/8
Height: 8
Spine: ?
Publisher: Simon and Schuster, New York
Publishing date: 1952
Would look great in a Nursery. Great baby shower gift for the new parents that loves vintage. The illustrations are wonderfully done. One page is peeking out but not ripped.
Fisher Price train #643, produced in 1964. Excellent condition, decals are all there in near perfect condition. The body, smokestack, wheels and underpinnings are wood, with plastic cab, front pusher and pieces that make the wheels turn. This little cutie is missing the string to his front that lets your little one pull him around the house. He makes a 'click click sound' as the wheels turn. A Fisher Price toy lasts for years and will be a cherished toy for your child forever. Brightly colored, this precious little train is a keeper. Would look great on a nursery shelf until your little engineer can play with it, or perfect for your engineer right now. Thomas isn't the only train in town now.
Last but not least one that was super hard to put in the shop
Gorgeous specimen of mid-century glass snack tray by designer Georges Briard.
This snack tray is in EXCELLENT condition with a teal, gold and white dove pattern flying with attached dip bowl and attached cheese knife. It is unusual that the knife if still attached teak knife. It has an eyelet on the underside of the bowl to which the knife is attached with a chain. The bowl is forever attached to the tray.
This piece is totally unique and would be a beautiful addition to any bar or kitchen. Your next party will be swinging with this great artifact of the 1950s.
This snack tray is in EXCELLENT condition with a teal, gold and white dove pattern flying with attached dip bowl and attached cheese knife. It is unusual that the knife if still attached teak knife. It has an eyelet on the underside of the bowl to which the knife is attached with a chain. The bowl is forever attached to the tray.
This piece is totally unique and would be a beautiful addition to any bar or kitchen. Your next party will be swinging with this great artifact of the 1950s.
No worries, theres more to come, the pictures are in the camera but my internet has been wonky the past couple days. Hope you enjoy all the treasures, have you found any treasure lately?
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