February 3, 2012

Fill In the Blank Friday

Happy Friday Everyone! This weeks blanks involve traveling, which after vintage is my 2nd favorite hobby.  I have been bitten by the travel bug and have the itch to get out and explore someplace new.  Lucky for me though I have a few travel balls up in the air just waiting some confirmations on dates and times:) 

1.   My favorite place I’ve ever traveled to is     anywhere. I love to travel and think that everywhere I’ve been I’ve taken part of that experience back with me. Now there are places, I won’t travel back to if given the choice…   
2.    Europe     is somewhere I'd love to go someday.

3.  I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by     making up stupid games listening to music, sleeping and/or reading     .

4.  My three must-haves when I travel are     a hoodie    ,    GF snacks   and     my camera

5.  My favorite travel companion is    anyone one of my travel bug friends  .

6.  The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling is  
  I was on a plane to NYC and they were having some crazy weather there so the plane kept circling over La Guardia, waiting for clearance to land, and we ran low on fuel and had to make an emergency landing in this tiny airport in Newport News Virginia and had to wait until they opened La Guardia back up  .
7.  The most exotic food I've ever tried while traveling is    sadly nothing exotic, traveling with food allergies kind of hinders those things boo.

8.  If I could live anywhere else, I'd live in    Northern California, New Mexico or Portland for awhile. Then I’d probably venture back to the midwest.

9.  I have been to    27  states in the U.S.
How about you any crazy travel stories, exotic foods and how many US states have you been too?  Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, I may do some picking so here's to hoping for some fun stuff for the shop!


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