Happy 5th of October Everyone!
I thought I would write about 5 little things that are making me smile so far this week.
1. This Picture that I took of my "nephew" during a family session on Sunday, it's so boyish and Fall-like to me.
2. This Picture also from Sunday
It's so amazing to watch someone be the person that you know they were destined to be. Me and this girl have been the best of friends for 15 years and to watch her grow into the amazing mom, a role she was destined for is incredible! Seriously editing her session I had tears in my eyes with the amazing interaction and love between her and her son.
3. Having brain storming sessions over Mexican food for the "Secret" project.
4. This face!
5. All of the goodies I thrifted over the weekend, to clean, photograph and list! Also all of the new handbags I've been finishing up. Time to get the shops ready for the holiday season, glad I took the month of Oct. off of doing shows:)
Hope some little things are making you happy so far this week!