October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from all of us at Junk in Da Trunk Girls!

We'll let lil Sophie be our spokesperson since she's the most A-DORABLE raggedy Ann:) 
Please be safe in all your Halloween ventures.

October 21, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.  Today I am wearing     all black, because at the day job now I have transformed into Jadie Cash after all my "dress code violations" .
2.  My favorite childhood food was     Chef Boyardee Pizza   and my favorite food  now is   ...Chipotle and GF veggie Pizza .
3.  A day that I am too busy to      just sit around and not be doing two things at once    is a day that I am too busy.
4.  The last movie I saw was      "Risky Business"  ya thats right I rented it cause I've never seen the whole thing   and the next movie I want to see is      Breaking Dawn Part 1  .
5.  My favorite smell is      my moms house   because,     the minute I walk in and smell it I feel like 50 pounds has been lifted off of my shoulders .
6.  When I take personality quizzes they always say I'm      an extrovert, but only by a couple of points.  I'm really more of  an introvert .

Whats everyone up to this weekend?  I am off to visit some friends, visit some museums and get my place in order for some special visitors in a few weeks.  Yea it's going to take me a few weeks to get my stuff in order... did I mention that I am messy....:)
Hope everyone has a great one!

October 20, 2011

Thrifting Thursday

We almost made it to the weekend everyone! Give me a lumberjack Yo Ho everyone!!

Over the past weekend I took the day off from crafting/sewing/cleaning/treasure hunting and went on a relaxing day out to the antique mall just to peruse as 2 weeks ago I went hard core treasure hunting for the shop, and this time wanted to look for some things to add to my personal collections. In my perusing I found the most special and coveted for my Pyrex Collection ..... I found the HOT AIR BALLOON Chip and Dip together in perfect harmony and get this the booth was on sale!! SCORE! You should have seen me freak out!  (It is however missing the metal dip holder but seriously I hope to find one of those in the 10 cent bin somewhere sometime)

The lighting here in Chicago hasn't been the greatest lately so heres a picture of the Chip Bowl that WillowCreekSparrow has for sale in their etsy shop, and honestly their picture is super adorable.  Also, get over there and snag this up, it's a great price, before you know I decide I need two or something silly like that.

What about you any great thrifting/antique finds lately?


October 14, 2011

Just Checking In

Just checking in, this week has been Cookopants and wasn't able to do the normal posts but it's on the list to get back at next week.  I spent last weekend treasure hunting with my mom and got some GREAT stuff!! Some of it has made it's way into the shop already the rest well, some had to stay with my mom because I had no room to bring it back:)  But there's still more in my camera that I'm hoping to get it posted in the shop  this weekend.

 On another note, I'm only 2 sales from 60 in Junk and 2 sales from 20 in the Handmade shop!! Holy Moly!  I'm offering the 59th and 60th sales FREE SHIPPING  and the 19th and 20th sales FREE SHIPPING!! Tell your friends, and maybe by Sunday I'll have achieved it, a milestone for me:)  

Also, the Handmade shop is seeing some updating also, lots of sewing been happening over here, cause really sleep is overrated right?!  Got a great Brewer upcycled handbag in there, perfect for the end of this season and them maybe going to the big dance....also got some great vintage curtains turned into handbags in there as well.

Alright, back to work.  Have a great weekend everyone! Spread the word about the FREE SHIPPING!


October 7, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

Yay it's Friday! And yay this weekend will be spent treasure hunting for sweet new treasures for the Trunk, and talking shop! I've been looking forward to this weekend for weeks! 

Onto the Blanks

1.   I love       sweet coca-cola  because      it is delicious and has all the chemical components of crack to keep me addicted. I actually just made that up, but I think it's kind of true, but it's really probably just the high fructose corn syrup  .

2.  A time that mama knew best was   telling me that high school will not be the best years of your life. That I was going to be something better than the people that made fun of me, that they will always be stuck in high school because they "peaked" then and had nothing else to look forward too .

3.  My first kiss went a little like this     ...AKWARD! The rest, a secret between me and him .

4.  My celebrity crush is   Ryan Reynolds. Hello muscles!  I even hearted him on that Two Guys and a Pizza Place or some title like that .

5.  My splurge of choice is     clothes - or traveling - or preferably both together  .

6.  My dance jam of choice is       "Footloose" or "Kung Fu Fighting"

Have a great weekend! Mom and I will be picking hope to show off any new treasures next week:)


October 5, 2011

5 Things on the 5th

Happy 5th of October Everyone!

I thought I would write about 5 little things that are making me smile so far this week.

1. This Picture that I took of my "nephew" during a family session on Sunday, it's so boyish and Fall-like  to me.

2.   This Picture also from Sunday
It's so amazing to watch someone be the person that you know they were destined to be.  Me and this girl have been the best of friends for 15 years and to watch her grow into the amazing mom, a role she was destined for is incredible!  Seriously editing her session I had tears in my eyes with the amazing interaction and love between her and her son. 

3.  Having brain storming sessions over Mexican food for the "Secret" project.

4.  This face!

5.  All of the goodies I thrifted over the weekend, to clean, photograph and list!  Also all of the new handbags I've been finishing up.  Time to get the shops ready for the holiday season, glad I took the month of Oct. off of doing shows:)  

Hope some little things are making you happy so far this week!
